We are a School Led teacher training programme and work in partnership and collaboration with our accredited provider Liverpool Hope University.

Unlike other courses, we have expert teachers and leaders, who currently work in schools, involved with the planning and delivering of our Initial Teacher Training Programme. These amazing teachers, alongside experienced colleagues from Liverpool Hope University, ensure that you really do have all of the skills needed to become the teacher that you want to be.

Children need the very best teachers to help and support them. We love working with our current and next generation of teachers to ensure that all pupils can be very best versions of themselves, academically, morally and socially.

Our programme is delivered by the St Patrick’s Centre of Excellence. St Patrick’s enjoys a long standing reputation for excellence, and as a legacy teaching school, is a frequent delivery partner for national leadership and development programmes, as well as initial teacher training. Be assured, you are in safe hands.

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  • Train in your local schools for the majority of the year
  • A commitment to Face to Face, live in person, delivery of sessions
  • You are with your placement school at very start of the school year to see how they set routines and begin the year- the only chance you will get to do this before you are an Early Career Teacher.
  • Expert support and advice from a Legacy National Behaviour Hub and Legacy Teaching School
  • Masters days delivered locally in schools by Liverpool Hope University
  • Subject specific development days at Liverpool Hope- 16 days across the year. You can deeply engage with the subject that you are passionate about.
  • Support and advice from a Legacy National Behaviour Hub and Legacy Teaching School
  • Daily support from the classroom teacher that you work with
  • Evidence enriched, research informed sessions that underpin your learning
  • You become a member of our St Patrick’s family and wider alliance. Relationships matter, our course is a real investment in you as a teacher.
  • Support on gaining an ECT job fully supporting you the next steps of your journey
  • Learn the theory, watch it in action, rehearse it and then teach it,
  • Monday – Thursday in school with chances on a Friday to unpick your week
  • There is always someone to help you, including access to counselling services
  • Comprehensive and bespoke support and advice to enable you to secure your first teaching post and be ready for the next stage in your journey.

We believe in investing in our new colleagues as individuals. We really get to know you. Our course develops relationships that last into your future. Teachers matter.

Successful completion of the Initial Teacher Training course leads to:

  • A Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)
  • Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
  • 60 Masters Level credits which can be used towards a master’s degree.
  • You becoming a teacher who has the confidence to follow your dream and the skills, knowledge, understanding and passion for education to teach in any school.

You will attend training and development sessions across the year at St Patrick’s Centre of Educational Excellence and Liverpool Hope University.

Once in placement schools you work with staff and pupils every week Monday-Thursday and then take the time to reflect, develop and learn new skills on a Friday.

This allows you to become fully immersed in school and have a curriculum that does not overwhelm you. Small steps, with lots of time to practice, get feedback and grow into the teacher that you want to be:

Professional Studies days: At St Patrick’s Centre of Educational Excellence. Develop your understanding of the teaching profession and network locally.

Subject Focused Days: At Liverpool Hope University. Engage with the subject that you are passionate about. Develop your confidence and knowledge to make a difference in the classroom to the lives of children.

Masters Days: Locally delivered. Liverpool Hope University support you by delivering the Masters days in local schools.

2 Placements Schools: Develop and consolidated your skills in different schools. Being a member of staff in two schools provides you with a wealth of experiences and opportunities.

Our programme is committed to face to face delivery. You explore what makes effective teaching and learning methods, rehearse it in a safe environment and apply it with expert teachers in school every week. Connecting the theory and practice seamlessly, unpicking effective strategies and research as you experience it.

You will attend two placement schools. At least 120 days of the programme is in school, with the time nearly even split between the two schools

Working as a staff member in two schools is important as you:

  • Develop the skills needed to be an effective teacher in a range of settings, you will be ready to apply for a job in any school.
  • Have a unique chance to see how different settings apply the theory in action
  • Build relationships with the staff and departments in two schools, growing your reputation.
  • Revisit and practice elements again so that you have the confidence and expertise to apply the learning to your own classes as a teacher.
  • Become fully integrated into the life of the school

The Course offers a gradualised teaching timetable, slowly building up your teaching time.

You will experience:

  • How schools welcome pupils at the start of the year,
  • Being a form teacher and the pastoral role we have as teachers
  • All aspects of teaching duties, writing reports, parents evenings
  • How we prepare our pupils for exams
  • How schools look after mental health,
  • The joy that comes from supporting extra curricular activities in school

Our network of training schools cover a wide area and when possible we will try to match your with alliance schools in your area. Although you can’t select placement schools we work with a large number of schools.

We look carefully at the departments that you will be placed in. Sometimes an extra travel time benefits you as you work in a department that is supportive and welcoming. This reduces your stress and workload during the year.

In the past our trainees have been lucky to work in the following placement schools. Below are just a few of them:

  • All Hallows RC High School, Salford
  • Ellesmere Park High School, Manchester
  • Irlam and Cadishead College, Irlam
  • Newman RC College, Oldham
  • Salford City Academy, Salford
  • St Ambrose Barlow , RC High School Salford
  • St Antony’s RC High School, Urmston

Like all ITT providers we can not guarantee you a placement in any one school as the circumstances of schools might change before you being your course.

You will be interviewed by staff who are passionate about Education and supporting the next generation of teachers. These small panels may contain members of St Patrick’s RC High School our Departmental Heads, Alliance School mentors and University partners. You are joining our family and we all wish to support you and get to know you.

During the day you:

Will have the chance to teach a small group of pupils for 15 mins. This is a wonderful way to meet our pupils and feel what it is like to be a teacher.

Tour our school and see our school at work

Have a formal interview, this is a chance for you to ask any questions about our course.

We will email you all the information that you need before you attend an interview. We do not attempt to trip you up or have any surprises in your day.

If you are relocating to the area we offer virtual interviews, please just contact us for further information.

The interview days are a wonderful chance to meet staff you will be working with and have any questions answered that you have.

We work in partnership with our trainees, supporting them in becoming the best teachers so that young people in our care can achieve.

Our interviews ensure that you have the opportunity to flourish.

We realise that you may have more than one interview offered to you and that your work commitments might prevent you from attending an interview. Please let us know if this happens so we can reschedule the interview for you.

Access our dedicated application page with helpful tips here

We are looking to support you as you enter a profession that is rewarding and life changing for the young people that we serve.

The young people in our care deserve the very best. As a result, we look to work with people who:

✅ Have a passion for learning, social justice and supporting every child

✅ Are reflective and always looking to improve and push themselves to excel

✅ Work in collaboration and partnership. We expect our trainees to support each other, share advice and be open to learning. They are willing to ask for help and look forward, learning from mistakes.

✅ Be adaptable and flexible, schools are busy places and require people who can remain calm and support their colleagues and pupils when unexpected changes occur.

✅ Have a commitment to transforming the lives of young people, especially those who have had a difficult start to life. We work particularly with pupils who are from disadvantaged backgrounds to give them the best education so that they can be the best version of themselves.

The getintoteaching website is an excellent source of free advice and support.

This includes funding and bursary advice as well as a 1-1 advisor for some subject areas.

They also have help and support for the application process. Click here