Catering within the school is provided by Dalkia, together we are committed to the promotion of healthy eating; pupils select their own meal and pay for it by use of a cashless catering system. Individual accounts are identified by fingerprint, money is added to the account by using SCOPay, the school’s online payment system. Pupils are limited to spending £5 per day unless requested otherwise by a Parent/Carer. A wide choice is available for lunch, including chicken wraps, pasta dishes, baked potatoes, a variety of hot main courses and desserts, snacks, soup and bread rolls, fruit, milk shakes, fruit drinks and milk. Breakfast is also available from 8.00am until 8.25am and again at morning break time.
Using a cashless catering system has many benefits, one of which allows children who receive free school meals to remain anonymous. Money is automatically added to the pupil’s account and everybody pays for items in exactly the same way.