Numeracy Co-ordinator: Miss A Costello

At St. Patrick’s, we are committed to raising the standards of Numeracy of all our students, enabling them to develop the ability to use Numeracy skills effectively in all areas of the curriculum and the skills necessary to cope confidently with the demands of further education, employment and adult life.

Numeracy is a proficiency that is developed mainly in Mathematics but also in other subjects. Numeracy involves developing confidence and competence with numbers and measures. Poor numeracy skills hold back pupils’ progress and can lower their self-esteem. Numeracy skills can be consolidated and enhanced when pupils have opportunities to apply them across the curriculum.

The purpose of the Numeracy policy is to:

  • Develop, maintain and improve standards in Numeracy across the Curriculum.
  • Raise staff awareness of the importance of Numeracy across the Curriculum.
  • Develop a shared understanding between all staff of the role of Numeracy in students’ learning and ensure that Numeracy skills are developed and used across the Curriculum.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards Numeracy.

The role of the Numeracy Coordinator is to:

  • Raise the profile of Numeracy across the whole school curriculum.
  • Monitor the impact of the Numeracy Policy on standards of Numeracy across the school curriculum.
  • Liaise and support departments in the implementation of the school’s Numeracy Policy.
  • Oversee delivery of Numeracy Intervention programmes.