Summer 2025 Examinations

GCSE results day: Thursday 21st August 2025

An animated video detailing the instructions that candidates should be aware of ahead of an examination series. The video highlights the rules which apply before, during and after an examination.

Information to candidates 

Information to candidates documents are produced by Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) to advise and help candidates. Please read carefully and follow the instructions.

Information to candidates – Written examinations

Information to candidates – Non-examination assessments

Information for candidates – On-screen tests

Information for Candidates – Social Media – Using social media and examinations – guidance for staying within exam regulations.

Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice 2021/2022 – Information awarding bodies collect about candidates and how it is used.

Warning To Candidates – Key rules to examinations.

Unauthorised items poster – Items not permitted in the examination room.

Examination Checklist



Candidates are responsible for bringing their own calculator for exams and must ensure they meet the awarding bodies’ regulations. (see the Candidate Examination Booklet)

Revision and exam tips

Here at St Patrick’s we understand the value of independent learning as a critical skill for both personal and academic growth. For all our Study Skills and Revision tips, click here: Study Skills and Revision help

The BBC Bitesize The Mindset series draws together videos giving tips, hacks and advice for exams including: study self-care, how to stay calm when revising and study-life balance.

Exam time can often be as stressful for parents/carers as it is for our pupils. The Mindset also provides advice for parents/carers when their children face exams.


Instructions and Guidance

Candidate Examination Booklet

The Candidate Examination Booklet provides examination guidance for pupils and parents/carers.

Collection of GCSE Certificates

All students are invited to an Award Ceremony Evening to collect their examination certificates. This usually takes place during the autumn term following the issue of results slips on results day. A letter with further details will be sent out prior to this event taking place.

If you are unable to attend the Award Ceremony Evening your certificates must be collected in person AFTER the Award Ceremony Evening has taken place.

Certificates will NOT be given to anyone other than the pupil without the pupil’s written authorisation.

Each year, more and more ex-pupils are disappointed to find that prospective employees are requesting proof of qualifications. Exam boards no longer issue replacement certificates where originals have been lost or were not collected from school. Each exam board will issue a Statement of Results – however a SUBSTANTIAL fee will be charged by EACH exam board for EACH exam session and for EACH level of exam.

If there are siblings currently attending the school, you may write a letter of authorisation to nominate your sibling to collect your certificates on your behalf.

Alternatively, parents/carers can collect your certificates on your behalf if you provide them with written consent, which they must bring with them together with proof of their identification.

Dear Classes of 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020

Exam Certificates for your qualifications are able to be collected from the school’s reception: Monday – Friday between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm (during term time).

If you are unable to collect your certificates in person you can nominate an individual to pick them up on your behalf. Your nominee will need to bring a note signed by you, stating that you give them permission to pick-up your certificates. The person collecting the certificates will also need to bring a copy of identification to prove who they are.

Unfortunately, we are unable to post certificates out as they need to be signed for.