Parents/carers are responsible in law for ensuring the regular and punctual attendance of their children. Parents should familiarise themselves with this attendance policy and should work closely with school staff to overcome any problems which may affect a child’s attendance.
Parents should:
- ensure that their child arrives to school on or before 8.25am each day
- notify school by telephone on each day of absence. (Alternatively use Class Charts to report the absence)
- keep the school informed of the progress of their child’s recovery
- inform the school of medical/circumstantial changes which may affect their child’s attendance
- make medical appointments outside school hours where possible
- make holiday arrangements outside term time (due to new legislation, no holidays will be authorised during the school term)
- apply for performance licences and/or sports absence for their child only after permission has been sought from the Headteacher
School (this is an abbreviated list of the roles and responsibilities of various staff in school)
The Lead Governor responsible for monitoring school attendance is the Chair of Governors.
The Headteacher is responsible for monitoring school-level absence data and reporting it to governors
The school attendance manager monitors attendance data across the school and at an individual pupil level and reports concerns about attendance to the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher
Heads of Year monitor year attendance on a daily basis and liaise with parents about causes for concern.
The Form Tutors are responsible for the accurate recording of attendance on a daily basis, talking to their Form pupils about their attendance and liaising with parents about absences.
Classroom Teachers record the attendance and punctuality of pupils to lessons and ensure pupils are caught up with work that they miss.
Form Tutors undertake morning registration at 8.30am and by Class Teachers at 1.00pm each day.
The Attendance Manager will make first day of Absence telephone calls to the parents/carers of all pupils who are absent.
All absences will be monitored. The Attendance Officer will send an advisory letter and make a telephone call to parents/carers of any pupil whose absences become a cause for concern, and liaise with Heads of Year, Senior Leaders and the Education Welfare Officer about any actions that need to be taken.
The effects of late arrival
When a pupil arrives late to school, they miss important events like assembly, PSHE sessions, reading intervention, teacher instructions and pastoral support; this can seriously disadvantage pupils. Frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of learning being lost.