Head of Department: Miss M Dickinson

Exam Board: Edexcel (2025 leavers) & Eduqas (2026 leavers onwards)

“I have come so they may have life and have it to the full” – John 10:10

The purpose of Religious Education in a Catholic school can be linked to reasons why the Catholic Church provides Catholic schools. It assists in its mission of making Christ known to all people; it assists parents (the primary educators) in the education and religious formation of their children; it creates a link between the Diocese, local Parishes and the home; it provides a service to society.

Through the academic curriculum in Religious Education, pupils will reflect critically on their own and other people’s religious beliefs, including those of other faiths and none, developing an informed ability to evaluate and analyse how and why people believe in the existence of God and how this affects their behaviour in terms of both religious worship and moral behaviour. They develop an appreciation of how religion has contributed to culture, literature and art and how that enriches their lives.

Within the context of a Catholic school, the subject provides pupils with an in-depth exploration of the history of Christianity, the development of the Catholic church, the story and teachings of Jesus and how these are reflected in worship and everyday life of Catholics. Throughout the five year curriculum, pupils also study aspects of other religions, including Judaism, Islam, and Sikhi.

At Key Stage 3, we began implementing the new Religious Education Directory, ‘To know you more clearly’, in September 2023. This curriculum is currently accessed by Year 7 and Year 8 pupils, and from next year will be accessed by Year 9 pupils as well. All Catholic schools in the country will be following this curriculum in Religious Education. More information, and a link to the RED, can be found here:

Religious Education Directory

At Key Stage 4, our examination board has moved to Eduqas Route B: Catholic Christianity and Judaism, and is therefore the course our current Year 10 are completing. Year 11 are completing their course via our previous examination board, Edexcel Specification B: Catholic Christianity and Islam.