Failure to arrive at school by 8.25am will result in a detention.

If students are late to school they will now automatically be placed into lunchtime detention, S1 for Years 10 & 11 and F2 for Years 7, 8 and 9.

If they have a genuine reason for being late they must report to Miss Tornai in Pupil Services during breaktime or a parent must call or email school.

The reminder slips for Period 3 will no longer be delivered, students are to take themselves to detention. Failure to go will result in a longer detention the following day.

If a student is late on more than one occasion in a week they will receive an after school detention.

Please note: Students are not permitted to leave the school site during break or lunch time


Students at St Patrick’s follow a two-week timetable; Week A and Week B. Each lesson lasts for 60 minutes.