At St Patrick’s we believe transition is a crucial stage in a child’s education and a successful move from primary school will ensure they get the best possible opportunities throughout their journey through secondary school. We also recognise that it can be an exciting but challenging time for both pupils and their families. Therefore, we work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure all pupils can be as prepared as possible to begin the next step of their education properly and in the St Patrick’s way.

We are delighted you have chosen to send your child to St Patrick’s and we look forward to them joining us in September.

Our whole school Year 6 transition activities begin in the Summer Term:

✅  All pupils will be invited to a transition meeting with their parents.

✅  All pupils will be invited to attend transition days at St Patrick’s, where they will benfit from the opportunity to explore the school, participate in lessons with our fantastic teachers, get to know their peers and experience fun activities designed to help pupils feel part of the school community.

Pupils with individual needs will be offered a range of extra activities where appropriate.

These may include; additional visits to St Patrick’s and individual meetings with key school staff such as The SENDCO and Head of Year 7.

The transition team at St Patrick’s are dedicated to making sure that all pupils experience the best possible transition to secondary school. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us via email: or telephone: 0161 921 2300.

Welcome from our Headteacher Mrs Bryne


At St. Patrick’s RC High School, we recognise that starting a new school is an exciting, but challenging time for both pupils and parents. Therefore, to help ensure pupils transition smoothly, we work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure they are fully prepared to begin their journey with us here. More recently, we have partnered with SHINE to introduce a new two year project working with our partner primary schools helping Year 6 children on their transition journey into Year 7 at St. Patrick’s.

This project aims at building strong partnerships between home and school ensuring there is a successful transition from primary to secondary. We have four simple aims we want to achieve through this Transition Hub project, which are the following:

  1. Help children who need extra support to thrive when they move from primary to secondary.
  2. Improve parental engagement by making them become an equal partner in their child’s education through effective communication.
  3. Provide network meetings for teachers, by sharing best practice and making sure there is a consistent approach moving between schools.
  4. Growth. Become a beacon for transition across the North West, so that many more children can benefit from what we can offer here at St. Patrick’s.
  • All pupils will be invited to a transition morning with their Year 5 Teacher. They will be encouraged in transition related activities covering a number of curriculum areas. The sessions are a great taster of what to expect during their two-day transition visit in Year 6.
  • All pupils will be invited to a transition evening with their parents.
  • All pupils will be invited to a two-day transition days at St. Patrick’s, where they will take part in typical lessons within a Key Stage 3 environment. These take place at the end of June.
  • Additional events in the Summer Holidays will be provided to the Year 6 cohort, in partnership with the Salford Foundation.
  • The Transition Hub project will offer a host of extra activities on top of the statutory transition days we already offer here at St. Patrick’s.
  •  Transition Lead – Luan Barrie