St Patrick’s R.C. High School, in accordance with the school’s mission statement, believes that each individual deserves recognition and respect as befits a unique and important being created in the image of God.

As such, we support students with a range of services and activities.

All children are cared for by a Form Teacher who will quickly get to know them and sort out any difficulties. In addition to Form Teachers, St. Patrick’s has an experienced Head of Year in charge of each year group. Form Teachers and Head of Year will keep you informed of any problems and will also check on attendance, progress, homework and behaviour. If you are worried about any aspect of school life, or there are any medical problems, we ask you to contact the Form Tutor first. Many of our staff have First Aid Certificates.

Education in Personal Relations

Although the education of your children in sexual matters is primarily the right and duty of parents, the school believes that it has a complementary role to play. Because we work so closely with our Primary Schools, our five year programme in Education in Personal Relationships builds on what our pupils have been taught earlier. Our programme includes sex education, which is taught to mixed groups of pupils in Year Seven. Details of the course are discussed with parents at our Information Evening in September but of course parents are free to request further information.

Faith In Action Group

The Faith in Action group consists of a team of pupils from all year groups, facilitated by Miss Dickinson. The FiA group is involved in leading the school Advent and Lenten appeals, visiting and helping others, and reading and serving in Mass. They are stewards and leaders of Gospel values in St Patrick’s and the local community.

As a Catholic school, we are aware of the challenges of poverty and feel a duty to alleviate any form of poverty in any way we can. Our Faith in Action team research the charities and each year group gets a vote of who they choose to support. We celebrate Family Fast Day and raise funds for CAFOD, all the while fasting to remember our own fortune.

Our FiA team represent St Patrick’s across the diocese, by attending events ran by the Salford Diocese and feeding back to the team and to the wider school. The pupils then lead on changes that they want to make to the faith life in school.

The FiA team are present. In Mass, they help create a calm environment for younger year groups. They create post-communion reflections that not only lead the worship, but also help other students connect with their own faith and spirituality.

If you want to get involved in more charity work, develop your leadership skills and put your faith into action- this is the club for you! We meet each Friday in F1 during lunch. If you have any questions, please see Miss Dickinson.

Special Educational Needs

The school in context

The school is a large Catholic High school in Eccles. The school intake at eleven years old contains pupils with a wide range of levels of attainment. We have been successful in targeting our five main Catholic feeder primary schools. The intake as a whole comes from 20+ schools in the surrounding area.

The school is a state of the art, 3 storey building, opened in April 2013. There is a disabled access lift to each floor, several disabled toilets and there is disabled access to the school via the main entrance, the back and side entrances. The Sports Hall also has disabled access.

Mission Statement

Our outstanding school community is guided by the gospel values of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, justice, integrity, humility and truth. Faith and worship are lived, taught and celebrated. We recognise the importance of service to others and the opportunity to be witnesses to Christ in our community.

All are unique and strive for personal growth. We celebrate the pursuit of academic excellence, applaud ambition and value the achievements of all. Our pupils are expected to achieve their best and use their learning to make a difference in the world they live in.

SEN Provision

St Patrick’s RC High School is fully supportive of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and we continue to work hard to improve the SEND provision in school.

The SEND department seek to develop the full potential of each child, recognising the uniqueness of each individual. We aim to provide support for pupils who require it within a caring, Catholic environment that allows pupils to develop towards their full potential, regardless of ability.

We liaise with our feeder primary schools from Year 5 onwards and try to ensure we are aware of the additional educational, behavioural and health needs of our incoming Year 7 pupils. Parental contributions are also greatly appreciated. We maintain close links with the Educational Psychology Service and the Children and Adolescent’s Mental Health Service.

We employ Teaching Assistants to work with pupils with wide ranging learning needs and identified barriers to learning. They work predominantly in the classrooms supporting pupils to access the curriculum but will sometimes lead specific intervention or 1:1 work such as Literacy Catch Up, Numeracy Catch Up and Reading Groups. Areas of specialism include Speech and Language Therapy and Dyslexia support.

Our current cohort of pupils includes pupils with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments as well as a variety of other learning needs.

Should you require more information on our SEN provision please contact Mr Luan Barrie (SENDCO) or Mrs Caroline Bradford (Assistant SENDCO).

SEND Report

The SEND Policy, SEND Report and Local Offer can be found in the policies and documents section of this website.