We provide high quality Initial Teacher Training through our School Direct Programme with our Higher Education Partner. We also provide innovative Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and School to School support across the North West.
Using a tried and tested business model geared towards providing the very best value for money without compromising the very best of first-class quality education, training and care for pupils and staff, St Patrick’s RC High School has delivered outstanding outcomes for all groups of learners, serving an area of high deprivation since 2009. Our quality assurance processes ensure accountability and evidence-based support to drive up standards and achieve the best value added return in recruitment, training and retraining our teachers.
Our mission is to enable all schools in the North West and beyond to provide the highest quality of education and care, ensuring the most disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils are not left behind. Our track record of producing excellent new teachers, providing impactful CPD drawing on our in-depth local knowledge and successful partnerships is unique.
Our strong proven track record has inspired confidence of others. Extensive partnerships and collaboration includes; Bright Futures Educational Trust Teaching School Hubs and The Church of England/Catholic Education Service delivering on the new National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and the new Early Career Framework (ECF) for Early Career Teachers.
Our initial, early teacher training and career stage CPD draws on national best practice and is well structured and evidence based supported by the academic and practical experience of our partners and membership of key bodies in line with DfE guidance.