The school was last inspected by Ofsted on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd June 2022 and achieved an overall grading of Good.
Report Highlights
What is it like to attend our school?
- Pupils are proud of their school. They celebrate the tolerance and open-mindedness within the school community. Any rare acts of bullying or discrimination are dealt with effectively by staff. Pupils are safe and happy.
- Leaders’ high expectations for pupils’ achievement and conduct are reflected by pupils’ mature attitudes.
- Pupils behave in a calm and orderly manner, both in lessons and during social times.
- Pupils frequently act as role models to others, for example as peer mentors. They contribute well to society through their extensive charity work. Pupils’ understanding of equality permeates all aspects of the personal development curriculum. Pupils are kind to each other. They are accepted for who they are.
- Leaders ensure a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff are fully conversant in the procedures for keeping pupils safe. They are alert to the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm and act swiftly to ensure that pupils get the help that they need.
- Leaders have put in place intensive support for vulnerable pupils so that they receive appropriate and timely help from a range of external agencies. Leaders prioritise pupils’ emotional well-being.
What does the school do well?
- Pupils benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum. They learn well.
- Classroom environments are positive places where pupils can thrive.
- Leaders are aspirational for all pupils at the school.
- Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
- Teachers prioritise the development of vocabulary.
- Teachers are skilful in using discussions to elicit pupils’ deeper responses and to address any misconceptions that pupils may have.
- Support for pupils with SEND is strong. Leaders identify pupils with SEND as quickly as possible. Teachers are furnished with rich information that they use expertly to ensure that these pupils access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
- Strong relationships with adults, coupled with positive attitudes to learning, mean that pupils learn without disruption.
This report is a fantastic celebration of our school and we are all so proud of the pupils and everything they have achieved.