Admissions 2025/26
St Patrick’s is a Catholic Voluntary Aided School. The school is designated as a school with a religious character and as such is permitted to give priority to applicants who are of the faith of the school. Please see the attached Admissions Arrangements Policy for further guidance.
The Governing Body has responsibility for all admissions to the school. The school operates a Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme with Salford Local Authority for the management of applications and appeal arrangements on behalf of St Patrick’s.
In order to apply the school’s oversubscription criteria the Governing body requires additional information that is not collected on the local authority’s application form. Therefore if you are making an application and your child DOES NOT attend one of our feeder primary schools, please complete the Supplementary Information Form and return to the school office before the 31st October 2024 along with the required supporting documents as detailed in our Admissions arrangements policy. Please note, Christian is not the same as Roman Catholic.
Admission documents are downloadable from this page; you will find these at the top of this page on the right hand side.
Please note: The St Patrick’s Supplementary Information Request Form DOES NOT replace the official Local Authority application form. If you wish to apply for a place at St Patrick’s R.C. High School for your child you should contact the Admissions Team at Salford City Council. Please click here to be re-directed to the Salford City Council Admissions Page.
Closing date for applications is the 31st October 2024.