School Values


Our staff say St Patrick’s is… A school where TRUTH is valued so that we develop an understanding of ourselves and the world that God created.

Pupils say… Be TRUE to yourself and to your teachers.

Theological definition of the word… When we talk about truth, at its basic level, we mean knowledge. But truth, especially within a Catholic context, expresses so much more than that

  • Understanding of self, of others, of the world around us
  • Communicating honestly and with integrity
  • Being authentic

‘Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.’ St Catherine of Siena


Our staff say St Patrick’s is… A school where we learn RESILIENCE by making mistakes, picking ourselves up and forgiving ourselves and others.

Pupils say… Always bounce back from things that have knocked you down and be RESILIENT.

Theological definition of the word…We want our pupils to be able to grapple with the difficulties life might throw at them, from the simple losses of growing up to the more complex personal situations many face, but to also see these events as how they can strive for personal growth.

‘To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.’ St John Henry Newman


Our staff say St Patrick’s is… A school where SERVICE is at the heart of education, empowering us to discern our purpose and giving us the knowledge and skills to go out and make a difference to God’s world.

Pupils say… SERVICE is at the heart of our education driving us to give and care about others.

Theological definition of the word… As part of Catholic social teaching, to serve God and to serve others, through which you might make a positive difference to the world.

‘Love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving.’ St Maximilian Kolbe


Our staff say St Patrick’s is… A school where LOVE underpins the Christ-like respect we experience from each other, regardless of our differences, so that we all feel like we belong to our community.

Pupils say… LOVE your family, your friends and your neighbour.

Theological definition of the word…Christian love, ‘agape’, is the love found within the Trinity and the love Christ commands his followers to have for each other. It is a selfless love, which seeks not one’s own advantage but only to benefit or share with another.

‘Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come. We have only today. Let us begin.’ St Teresa of Calcutta


Our staff say St Patrick’s is… A school where we have an opportunity to grow in FAITH, seeing ourselves as created with dignity and for a purpose, in service of something greater than ourselves.

Pupils say… Have FAITH in yourself, in others and in God so that we can all reach our full potential.

Theological definition of the word… As part of a Catholic community, we are called to be witnesses to Christ. Faith requires trust in God but also action to demonstrate that trust.

‘Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.’ St Francis of Assisi

British Values

St Patrick’s teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour. Teachers do this by not undermining fundamental British values and ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law.

British Values are taught discreetly in form time, assemblies and across the curriculum by all staff.

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those different faiths and beliefs