Our Governors

Mrs Jackie Brooks: Foundation Governor (Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee)

Mr David Grounds (Vice-Chair of Governors, Chair of Curriculum Committee, Chair of Pupil Welfare Committee, Vice Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee)

Rev Fr Collins: Foundation Governor

Mr Stephen Ryan: Foundation Governor

Mrs Chinelo Uchendu: Foundation Governor

Mrs Louise Wooding: Foundation Governor

Dr Martin Hogg: Parent Governor

Mrs Sam Glynn-Atkins: Parent Governor

Mrs Lina Lane: Staff Governor

Mrs Jaime Bradborn: Local Authority Governor

Mrs Catherine Grounds: Associate Member

Mrs Alison Byrne: Headteacher Governor

To contact the Governors, please write to the Chair of Governors at the school address below and your letter will be forwarded to the appropriate governor.

St Patrick’s RC High School
56 New Lane
M30 7JJ

Important Documents