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We believe that links with our Primary Schools and with Colleges are important for our pupils. Teachers from school work closely with colleagues from other schools and the colleges.
Years Five and Six pupils visit St. Patrick’s for occasional lessons and our teachers visit pupils in their schools. All our new Year Seven pupils visit St. Patrick’s during July so that they can meet other pupils, see some of the teachers and look around. A booklet written for Year Seven is also handed out to make the transfer to St. Patrick’s as easy as possible.
Year Six pupils are given a “Holiday Work Pack” to enable them to undertake individual study before coming to St. Patrick’s. Certificates and prizes are presented in September. Almost all children complete every task and demonstrate a desire to achieve success at St. Patrick’s.
Our Community
St. Patrick’s is proud of its links with the local, national and international community. We have well-established links with our Feeder Primary Schools, other High Schools and Colleges. Our students play an active role in raising issues and in suggesting solutions to make our school an even better environment.
We encourage all St. Patrick’s pupils to think of others and work closely with CAFOD.