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Salford Collaboration network days

Objectives of the project:

  • Improve behaviour across the secondary schools in Salford, leading to a reduced number of exclusions and suspensions.
  • To ensure that all schools have a robust behaviour policy, that is understood by all stakeholders and is reviewed annually. 
  • To collaborate with leaders across Salford, to identify common barriers to improving behaviour, along with common strategies to overcome them. 

Why join in? 

  • Participants will gain an improved understanding of the contextual issues in and around Salford, that are impacting the rates of exclusion and suspension across secondary schools.
  • Participants will review behaviour policies/practices together, to understand how to ensure they are well understood; they are applied consistently; and they are regularly reviewed for impact. 
  • Participants will understand how research improved practice, will enable them to lead with impact in their own school. 
  • Through collaborative practice visits, participants will explore best practice across a small group of schools, in order to lead change in their context.


Who is it for?

Pastoral/Behaviour Leaders, SENDCOs, Heads of Year/House, Chaplains

• Ensuring consistent behaviour practice / intervention
• Evaluating underlying causes of pupil behaviour

What will I learn?
You’ll develop expertise in the knowledge, skills and concepts for areas of cross- and whole-school responsibility related to your role.

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Behaviour
  • Additional and special needs
  • Professional development
  • Organisational management
  • Implementation
  • Working in partnership
  • Governance and accountability

Programme breakdown

Designed with busy school leaders in mind,
the NPQSL is delivered using a blend of online seminars, flexible online learning and conferences.

Full scholarship funding, with no cost to the participant, for the NPQ in Senior Leadership is available to those who meet the following criteria:

    • Are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.
    • Work in a state funded school in England that is within the top 30th percentile in relation to pupils on Pupil Premium as of the end of the previous academic year.


Who is it for?
School leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.

What will I learn?
You’ll develop expertise in the knowledge, skills and concepts for areas of cross- and whole-school responsibility related to your role.

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Behaviour
  • Additional and special needs
  • Professional development
  • Organisational management
  • Implementation
  • Working in partnership
  • Governance and accountability

Programme breakdown

Designed with busy school leaders in mind,
the NPQSL is delivered using a blend of online seminars, flexible online learning and conferences.

Full scholarship funding, with no cost to the participant, for the NPQ in Senior Leadership is available to those who meet the following criteria:

    • Are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.
    • Work in a state funded school in England that is within the top 30th percentile in relation to pupils on Pupil Premium as of the end of the previous academic year.

Maths Hub

St Patrick’s is working with the Turing NW2 Maths Hub on a variety of projects this year.

As well as hosting the Specialist Knowledge for the Teaching of Mathematics (SKTM) of ECTs, and Subject Leadership work groups we also have our very own Abbey Costello working as a Local Leader of Mathematics Education for the Maths Hub running the SKTM Non-specialists.


St Patrick’s is proud to be a Partner Institution of the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). We employ Steven Ladley on behalf of the AMSP to work as an Assistant Area Coordinator.

The AMSP provides professional development to teachers of students aged between 11 and 18 and runs student enrichment events encouraging students to continue with Maths beyond 16.

You can find out more about the AMSP here.

Year 11 Podcasts – SHINE Project

During the previous Summer term, Hal Eccles bid to deliver on a project which supports Year 11 students with their examination revision. 

“The idea is that there is going to be a season’s worth of content, each subject with its own episode. Within each episode, there will be segments on how to revise, difficult content and tackling misconceptions.”

What is involved? 

  • Half-termly ‘Cheese and Chat’ to discuss the podcast and it’s content in an open forum. 
  • Pupils creating revision podcasts. 
  • Select topics for the ‘difficult content’ section and provide assistance on the scripting of that segment for their subject.